The T-Lock Call Blocker has storage for 3 lists; Incoming Call List, OUT List, and the BLACK List:


The Incoming Call list can store up to 100 incoming phone numbers (must recent calls).  

To clear the Incoming Call List, follow the steps below: 

1. With the date and time displayed on the Tlock (e.g. idle mode), tap the ( > ) right arrow key on the T-Lock

2. Then press and hold the REMOVE button for 3 or more seconds.  The words No Code should present itself on the display of the Tlock.

The OUT call list can store up to 50 outgoing phone numbers (must recent calls). To clear the Incoming OUT List, follow the steps below: 
1. With the date and time displayed on the Tlock tap the OUT button on the Tlock .

2. Then tap the ( > ) right arrow key on the Tlock.

3. Then press and hold the REMOVE button on the Tlock, for 3+ seconds.  The words No Code should present itself on the display of the Tlock.

The BLACK list can store up to 1,500 phone numbers (must recent calls).  

To clear the Incoming BLACK List, follow the steps below: 
PREPARATION:  You may need to connect a handset to the PHONE socket on the Tlock so that you can enter the PASSword when prompted.
1. With the date and time displayed on the Tlock tap the BLACKLIST button on the Tlock .

2. Then tap the ( > ) right arrow key on the Tlock.

3. Then press and hold the Remove button on the Tlock, for 3+ seconds.

4. When the word PASS presents itself on the display of the Tlock, pick up the receiver of the phone (connected directly to the Tlock) get a dialtone and press 0000

This will clear the Tlock after which go ahead and try to program numbers into the Tlock and attempt to get it to function properly 

One last thing disconnect the Tlock for 15 minutes then reconnect it and wait for calls to ring so you can start building your BLACKLIST again.